Tuesday, August 18, 2009


we listened to this on the drive to the breachway on sunday. we had a moment. for sure.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

pushing daisies.

i've been in love this show for awhile, but now that the second season is on dvd i've been rewatching a bunch of episodes and just basking in it's loveliness. the wardrobe for "chuck" is my favorite part. it makes me want to wear vintage dresses, raise bees on my roof, and bake pies with my bestie.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


these brave men will save polaroid.
guys, we're counting on you.



My photo
i love bare feet and braided hair, growing things and walking places, karoake and gypsy music... old things, new things, red things, blue things. i'm trying desperately to find IT!