Thursday, April 16, 2009


Recently I've been taking a textiles class at RISD and I'm LOVING it.

It's focused on using digital tools to create repetitive pattern for home, fashion, books, stationary, etc. Surprisingly I'm finding myself psyched on learning all of these Graphic Design tricks and playing with color has been really fun as well. So far we've only really been doing smaller, quick exercises that are focused on learning basic skills while creating a color palette for the patterns we'll eventually make. Overall, though, being able to create something purely based on my own aesthetic and guttural instincts has been so refreshing! WHY DID I STOP MAKING ART BACK THERE? I must've been crazy.

Here are some examples of what I've been working on.





One awesome source of inspiration for me recently has been a book that Brendan let me borrow. I highly recommend that you check this out. Especially if you're into unusual print designs. I also love that it shares the name of one of my favorite Hot Chip songs.

OVER&OVER: A Catalog of Hand-Drawn Patterns
by Mike Perry

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i love bare feet and braided hair, growing things and walking places, karoake and gypsy music... old things, new things, red things, blue things. i'm trying desperately to find IT!